

5 Myths About Mental Health At Work

BY: Koszdin | Friday, April 26, 2019.

Our Van Nuys Work Stress Mental Health Claims Attorneys at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry are proud that California believes in supporting people with mental health issues at work. As society moves toward a more digital world, workplaces have changed. The expectations for workers have changed. People aren’t able to just clock in and clock out. Because of the beautiful invention of the cell phone, our works get to follow us everywhere. Because of this, workplace responsibilities have changed. In some industries, the workplace responsibility has increased. The increasing responsibility does not compare to the rate of which a worker is paid which can add to more stress. If you are having a hard time mentally at work because of all the expectations that go beyond your daily work contract then you should not be afraid to speak up.

Here is a list of mental health myths that everyone should move past:

Myth 1: Don’t talk to your managers or leaders about your mental health issues

There is a line between telling to much information and just telling your leaders about some of the struggles you are dealing with. Having anxiety or depression because of your work is not something shameful. The more you communicate about these issues the quicker they can be resolved.

Myth 2: Diagnosis before Taking Care Of Mental Health

Mental health is not as obvious as feeling pain from a paper cut. You can’t always see mental health issues. You do not have to wait until you are burned out to get help for feeling burned out. Taking the steps for proper mental health care should be just as normal as taking a daily vitamin.

Myth 3: You can’t anticipate Mental Health Issues

Although there are times when anxiety feels as if it comes out of nowhere, preparing yourself for mental health issues is not of the question. Learning about your mental health is important. Learning what triggers certain emotions is important. If you know that you are entering a stressful season of work then it is important to take the time and steps to get mentally prepared.

Myth 4: Don’t reach out to employees on leave for Mental Health

Everyone appreciates a little card. Reaching out to an employee struggling isn’t a bad thing and will probably make his or her day.

Myth 5: You are a bad employee for having Mental Health Issues

A bad employee is someone who refuses to do their work. You aren’t refusing to do your work. You are someone who desperately wants to do their work, but is dealing with an illness. Someone with the flu may not be able to handle their whole workload, so why should someone dealing with mental health issues be expected to?

If you or someone you love is struggling with mental health issues at work there are options for you. You deserve to see doctors and start a plan to recovery just like any other physical injury. To find out more call 818-812-5639 or click here to schedule a free consultation with our Van Nuys Workers’ Compensation Attorneys at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry today.

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