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Los Angeles Workers' Compensation Lawyer
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Van Nuys Workplace Injury Attorney

Nearly every employee in this state is covered by California workers’ compensation in the event they sustain a job-related accident, injury, or illness. You are entitled to certain benefits, regardless of the circumstances of how the injury occurred and regardless of your health or medical history. However, there are times when workers’ comp insurers and employers do not always honor their end of the bargain. At Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, we are here to help if you encounter resistance to your workers’ compensation claim. Our board-certified workers’ compensation specialists have represented injured workers and Southern California for decades.

Common types of injuries or illnesses we help clients get through

Our knowledgeable, aggressive, and compassionate lawyers have helped employees in this area with every category of workers’ compensation claim. This includes the following:

  • Workplace accidents and physical injuries: This can include falls, lifting injuries, knee injuries, machinery accidents, vehicle accidents, and more.
  • Repetitive motion injuries: This can include well-known injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome as well as injuries such as torn rotator cuffs, back ailments, etc.
  • Cardiac and pulmonary conditions: This includes conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and more, all of which can arise due to workplace conditions.
  • Occupational diseases: This includes various injuries and diseases that can occur due to workplace exposure, including vision loss, hearing damage, chemical exposure, asbestos disease (mesothelioma), and more.
  • Stress-related claims: The workplace can also be responsible for various stress-related mental health conditions, such as extreme anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, etc.
  • Compensable consequences: This refers to side effects of work injuries such as addictions to painkillers, botched surgeries, and more.
  • Aggravation of previous injuries or pre-existing conditions: The aggravation of prior injuries or pre-existing conditions is still a work injury that should be covered under workers’ compensation laws in California.

At Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, we have represented employees in every line of work, from clerical jobs to heavy labor. We do not care if you are a construction worker or a front desk office worker – we firmly believe that any person who sustains an injury in the workplace should be fairly compensated according to the laws of the state of California.

Contact us for a free consultation of your case today

If you or somebody you love has sustained a workplace injury, you should be entitled to various types of compensation. The California workers’ compensation system is designed for your situation, but there are times when insurance carriers or employers make it difficult to receive the compensation you deserve. At Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, we are standing by to help injured workers. Our Van Nuys workers’ compensation attorneys have extensive experience helping clients throughout the greater Los Angeles area. You can reach out to us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 800-747-3447.

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