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Los Angeles Workers' Compensation Lawyer
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Lancaster Workers’ Compensation Attorney

When you go to work each morning, you probably do not expect to be injured while doing your job. Of course, the risk may vary depending on the nature of the role you are employed in but, in general, you should be safe in the workplace. Nonetheless, accidents do happen from time to time, and even the most careful and diligent employees can sustain injuries at work, through no fault of their own. Workers compensation benefits were created to enable employees, just like you, to take time away from work to recover and recuperate from workplace injuries, without facing financial ruin.

Unfortunately, in reality, your claim of workers’ compensation benefits may not be as straightforward as you may like. Your employer, or their insurance company, may try to deny your claim or to pay out less than you are entitled to. This denial of adequate medical care can slow down the recovery of Lancaster worker’s compensation claimants, in addition to causing significant financial hardship for disabled or seriously injured workers and their families.

A Lancaster Workers Compensation Attorney Could Secure the Benefits You Deserve

If your employer or their insurance company is refusing to pay the worker’s compensation you believe you are entitled to, an experienced Lancaster attorney from Koszdin, Fields & Sherry can use their legal knowledge to protect your rights. When you hire one of our worker’s compensation attorneys to handle your case, you could benefit from years of experience, and the wide array of relevant skills we have honed through working on cases like yours.

Only through instructing our Lancaster workers compensation attorneys to fight your case do you put yourself in the best position to obtain a successful verdict. While representing workers’ compensation claims based in Lancaster and surrounding areas, we have developed the outstanding litigation skills you require from your attorney.

You should not simply accept the substandard offer made to you by your employer, or their insurance company, nor should you rely on workers’ compensation law to ensure you receive what you are entitled to. Rather, you should speak to an experienced Lancaster workers compensation attorney as soon as possible to take the first steps towards recovering the benefits you deserve.

What Should I Do If I Am Injured On The Job?

Under the California Workers Compensation Act, any employee who sustains injuries at work must report the accident within 90 days of the date when the accident took place. Follow these steps for the most effective results:

  • Immediately report the injury to the employer. Regardless of whether or not you believe your injury is serious, it is vital to document the injury and how it occurred.
  • Once you have notified the appropriate individuals, complete an accident or incident report. It is helpful for your claim if you obtain a copy of any accident or incident report if possible.
  • Request that your employer direct you to the nearest and most appropriate medical professional. Should the employer refuse to offer medical treatment, you need to seek alternative medical treatment independently. Notify the employer about where you received treatment.
  • Ask that your employer provide you with the name of their workers’ compensation insurance carrier.
  • Contact a Lancaster Workers’ Compensation Attorney to schedule a free consultation.

For those concerned about repercussions for filing a workers’ compensation claim, it is against the law for an employer to harass or discriminate against an employee attempting to file a claim for benefits.

What Does California Workers Compensation Cover?

If you have been injured while in the workplace or carrying out your regular tasks, you could be entitled to recover workers’ compensation benefits. The financial compensation you claim could relieve the burden associated with your workplace injuries, including:

  • Medical expenses: Hospital bills, doctor’s visits, tests, x-rays, medical equipment, and anything else necessitated by your injuries
  • Temporary disability, where your workplace injuries will require you to take no more than 104 weeks off work
  • Permanent disability benefits, where applicable

Employees who are still unsure if they are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits should know yes, you are from the moment you are hired for the job. Entitlement to workers’ compensation benefits has no relation to the employer’s size or the length of employment.

When I Meet With An Attorney, What Information Must I Provide?

A Claim Petition must be filed with the State of California Department of Labor and Workforce Development to effectively and successfully file a workers’ compensation claim for benefits. To better assist a Lancaster workers’ compensation attorney, the injured employee needs to provide:

  • Name, address, date of birth, and social security number.
  • Name and address of the employer.
  • Name and address of employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier and any claim number you have and if available.
  • The date that the accident occurred, the location where the injury took place, and a clear description of how the injury occurred.
  • The date you stopped working and the date you returned to work.
  • The date you reported your injury to your employer and to whom.
  • A detailed description of your occupation and type of work.
  • Your gross weekly wages amount.
  • The Names and addresses of all medical providers from which you received treatment.

Injured employees who file a case should know that the claim may not be resolved until you are entirely discharged from all treatments and attend evaluations. Evaluations, or permanency evaluations, are arranged to ascertain whether or not you have sustained permanent disabilities due to the work accident.

One of our experienced Lancaster workers’ compensation attorneys will schedule you for one of these evaluations. Only then, once reports are received and exchanged, can settlement negotiations proceed. For a more accurate time frame, it can take roughly one year from the date the injured employee is released from treatment to resolve a claim.

Koszdin, Fields & Sherry Lancaster Workers Compensation Attorneys Could Help You Today

When you have had your worker’s compensation benefits claim reduced or rejected by your employer and their insurance company, you need an outstanding attorney to fight for your rights.

Whatever the circumstances of your workplace injury, a Lancaster workers compensation attorney could help you secure the benefits you are entitled to. To schedule your free consultation, call Koszdin, Fields & Sherry today on 818-812-5639.

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