
Los Angeles Workers' Compensation Lawyer
Practice Areas

Van Nuys Work Stress Mental Health Claims Attorney

Workers’ Comp For Injuries To Mental Health

Many employees do not realize that workers’ compensation covers mental health impairments as well as physical injuries. Such claims are commonly denied by employers and their insurance companies as frivolous or not job-related.

At Koszdin, Fields & Sherry , we realize that mental health impairments can be legitimately disabling. Our partner attorneys are board-certified specialists* who have successfully represented clients in PTSD claims and other mental health claims under California workers’ compensation.

Is workplace stress taking a mental and physical toll?
Call us today for a free consultation. Our Van Nuys law firm represents injured workers throughout Greater Los Angeles.

Is Your Claim Compensable?

Psychological claims generally fall into two categories: (1) mental stress caused by sexual harassment, discrimination or other hostile work environment, or (2) mental disorders arising from a workplace injury, also known as compensable consequence claims.

Examples of mental health claims might include:

  • Anxiety and panic attacks from hostile working conditions
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from catastrophic workplace injuries or workplace violence or accidents
  • Sleep disorders caused by workplace stress
  • Clinical depression from work-induced stress or a work injury
  • Heart attack or hypertension from psychological stress

We Are Certified Specialists Who Can Protect Your Rights

Our experienced lawyers know how to corroborate stress-related claims for mental health impairment. We work to ensure that clients get necessary medical care, including psychiatric treatment or counseling, and disability benefits for time away from work.

Taking Action

Our attorneys will represent you throughout the claims and appeals process. Call 818-812-5639 or 800-747-3447, or contact us online.

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*Certified by The State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization as specialists in workers’ compensation law

Any person who makes or causes to be made knowingly false or fraudulent material statements or material representation for the purpose of obtaining or denying workers’ compensation benefits or payment is guilty of a felony. Toda aquella persona que sablendo tapa o causa que se produzca cual quier falsas o fraudulentas alegaciones o representación de trabajadores es culpable de un crimen mayor.

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