

Recover Time Depends On Illness

BY: Koszdin | Saturday, April 20, 2019.

Your job is the last place that should endanger your health. Yet, we know that people are hurt on the job every day. Some people experience a bodily injury while others deal with illness. The difference between the two can be difficult to discern. Our Los Angeles Workplace Illness Attorneys at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry want you to know that whether you were injured or suffering from an illness we are by your side. We believe that as a worker you are dedicated and perform to your ability. An accident should not prevent you from getting the benefits you deserve.

In California, worker’s compensation is a no-fault state. This means that if you file a workers’ compensation claim you do not have to prove the negligence of the workplace. You can’t be denied because of your negligence either. This is important to note because there are jobs that carry more risk than others. Just because there is risk does not mean that you do not deserve worker’s compensation benefits.

Average Days Off

Depending on your accident, you are allotted recovery time. Here are several examples of incidences with their average recovery time:

  1. 43% of injuries that included “sprains, strains, and tears” resulted from overexertion. Most of those injuries related to the back and shoulder. Shoulder pain required more time off than back injuries with an average of 21 days.
  2. Overall body pain can come from jobs that require extensive bodywork like warehouse workers, construction workers, or emergency personnel. These kinds of jobs can make some overexert themselves to meet deadlines or help people in need. The average time off for overall body pain is 17 days.
  3. Dealing with bone fractures can take a lot of time to recover especially as you get older. The average time for fractures is 28 days. People who are most at risk for fractures are construction workers and those in the hunting industry.
  4. People who work in the restaurant business have to deal with lots of dangerous elements. One of those elements is fire. Burn and scald injuries are painful and if not treated immediately can result in scarring or chronic pain. The average time given for recovery is 8 days.

The average time does not mean the most time. Depending on your situation and your body, you may need more time off from work. If that is the case that you need a good representative to ensure that your needs are being met. Just because the average is 8 days does not mean that you are do not need more time.

Don’t feel upset because you need more time off work. If you do not take the time to heal then how can you be productive for your employer? You have rights and benefits, use them for your health as they are intended. Do not hesitate to reach out to us for legal help. Call 818-812-5639 or click here to schedule a free consultation with our workers’ Compensation Attorneys at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry in Los Angeles today.

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