

How Will Coronavirus Long-haulers Affect the Future of Worker’s Comp?

BY: Koszdin | Monday, March 15, 2021.

Workers’ compensation is for those injured on the job. During the pandemic, many states have allowed workers who contracted Covid-19 to file claims. Typically, symptoms last for a few weeks. However, as we enter into our second year of the pandemic, there is a great deal of uncertainty for those suffering from symptoms months later. These long-haulers don’t know if the effects will ease with time or if there will be permanent damage.

If you or a loved one has contracted Covid-19 on the job, you need a workers’ compensation attorney in Los Angeles, California. Legislation continues to change as medical evidence comes in. Don’t let yourself be swept under the rug due to the evolving laws. You need a dedicated attorney at your side to see you secure the compensation you deserve. Worry about getting better. Call Koszdin, Fields & Sherry for everything else.

What is a Coronavirus Long-hauler?

As America tallies up coronavirus cases, deaths, and recoveries, they may be missing a big piece of the puzzle. Under the recovered cases, 1 in 8 die from covid-related symptoms within five months. These lingering cases of Covid-19 are especially scary. Most deaths are attributed to patients over 50, but the 10% of recovered patients are considered long-haulers, the age ranges are wide. Long-haulers experience:

  • Shortness of breath and coughing that lasts for months
  • Joint pain, body aches, headaches
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • They can lose their smell and taste even if they didn’t at the peak of the illness
  • Debilitating and ongoing fatigue

Some patients report feeling better, then relapsing after a few weeks or months. Unfortunately, the medical community still does not have an answer.

Why You Need an Attorney Now More Than Ever

With so much uncertainty surrounding long-term Covid-19 cases, workers’ compensation braces for long-term hits. Rich Lenkov, a capital member of the worker’s compensation practice Bryce Downey & Lenkov LLC in Chicago states, “I think there will be some liability there. But remember, (the worker) still has to prove that they developed COVID from work, and even in states with a presumption…I think it’s a hard case to prove. You’re opening Pandora’s box if you accept the claims out of a sense of good faith and sympathy. If you accept (coronavirus claims), you do so at your own peril.”

Lenkov echoes fears across insurance companies over long-term coronavirus symptoms. So far, 20 states have coronavirus presumptions in place or are considering legislation.

While legislation is on your side, the burden of proof can be challenging. Did you contract the virus at work, or could you have contracted it from your spouse, child, doctor’s office, grocery store, at a friend’s house? Filing a claim is not a simple process. You need a knowledgeable team of attorneys on your side to fight for the compensation you deserve. Your focus should be on recovering. Let Koszdin, Fields & Sherry handle the rest.

Koszdin, Fields & Sherry Are Your Certified Worker’s Compensation Attorneys

When you need a worker’s compensation lawyer in Los Angeles, California, call Koszdin, Fields & Sherry today. Contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 800-747-3447.

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