

Amazon Sees Work-Related Injuries Skyrocket

BY: Koszdin | Wednesday, February 17, 2021.

Throughout the pandemic, government shutdowns, and nation-wide layoffs, Amazon has experienced unprecedented growth. Many of us locked ourselves and our families away, relying on Zoom calls for social interaction. We dreaded grocery shopping for the mask-wearing, social distancing, and because many shelves went bare with necessities. The scarcity of toilet paper will forever be associated with living through 2020, thank you pandemic memes. Amazon, however, met our needs in many ways. From toilet paper, hand sanitizer, games to entertain the children, to make-your-own bread kits to alleviate boredom, Amazon was there.

So how did the massive company keep up with our growing and eclectic demands? They hired employees by the thousands. Hundreds of workers, who never set foot in a warehouse, were suddenly buying ibuprofen in bulk, turning to social media for advice on coping with the strain on their bodies, and fearing Covid-19 breakouts.

Working in a labor-intensive field costs the body. Sore muscles, pulled muscles, backaches, and other repetitive injuries can profoundly affect a person, let alone someone who has not been conditioned to work in the environment. For someone to work in a sedentary office job, then suddenly haul hundreds of boxes a day, is a shock to the body. While lifting, sorting and stacking, workplace injuries continue to reach staggering numbers in Amazon fulfillment warehouses.

If you or someone you know has been injured working at Amazon, UPS, FedEx, or Walmart, call a workers’ compensation attorney in Los Angeles, California, today. The dedicated team at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry are here to discuss your case and secure the compensation you deserve.

Amazon Sees Record-Breaking Numbers of Injuries in Recent Months 

As Amazon has seen record growth out of the pandemic, its workers have seen record-breaking injuries. According to a report that analyzed the internal injury records,

  • Amazon’s injury rate is double the national average
  • 9.6 serious injuries are reported per 100 full-time workers
  • Serious injuries topped 14,000

Amazon has been criticized by numerous sources for how workers are treated. Some workers have been very public and openly criticized the company for its treatment during the pandemic. Most have been subsequently fired. Amazon warehouse staff organized a sick-out to bring attention to their demands. There have also been talks of unionizing. Amazon requires its staff to go to anti-union meetings throughout their employment.

Common Injuries Employees Experience in Large Warehouses

Large warehouses full of heavy boxes and conveyor belts can lead to several different types of injuries. Such mega-companies as UPS, Walmart, and Amazon have been criticized for not doing more to protect workers from injury. Some of the most prevalent workers’ comp claims resulted from:

  • Slips and falls on the warehouse floor
  • Repetitive stress injuries from bending and lifting heavy boxes
  • Overexertion injuries, especially the back
  • Forklift injuries, conveyer belt, or other machinery
  • Hit by falling boxes or objects

Working in a warehouse is strenuous on the body. If you or someone you know has been injured on the job, you need a workers’ comp attorney to help ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Call Koszdin, Fields & Sherry Today

When you need a workers’ compensation attorney in Los Angeles, California, you need the dedicated team at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry. Contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 800-747-3447.

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