

Work Place Injuries Cause Big Set Backs

BY: Koszdin | Friday, May 3, 2019.

Often times when we think about people getting injured on the job we assume full-time workers. We also assume jobs like construction workers who work outside every day on roofs or near roadsides. Because we see construction workers often we can better imagine the daily dangers which could result in a workplace injury. What we don’t consider are the people who are working part-time. The people who choose jobs like retail to get some money on the side from either their real job or because they are going to school. Our Los Angeles Workplace Injury Attorneys at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry have heard the stories of workers with shoulder and back problems preventing them from reaching their full potential. We have heard our clients tell stories of injuries that were handled inappropriately causing them to deal with life long pain.

Our Los Angeles Workplace Injury Attorneys have almost heard it all, but we want to hear more. We want to hear from people like Andrea who wanted to work part-time to get her degree, but ended up with pain and suffering preventing her from doing her favorite thing, writing.

Andrea’s Story

Andrea was 27 years old going to college to major in English and working for Amazon part-time. She had worked for retail warehouses before and figured the amazon warehouse would be similar. Lured in by the chance of increased pay and potential full time, Andrea gladly accepted a position of tagging items and entering UPC codes. What she didn’t expect is the series of injuries from the job of only two years. Andrea equates Amazon to a modern day sweatshop. Her injuries involved shoulder, neck, and wrist pain from lifting over 100 items per hour. The injuries prevent her from writing, going to school, and working in other jobs.

Amazon has been cited by both government agencies and media for their unsafe workplaces. Andrea’s case is not the first nor will it be the last. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration have launched over 100 investigations into Amazon’s workplace safety. Andrea went through the proper protocol, but the onsite medical staff refused to listen to her. She had to use an outside doctor to prove that her injuries were real and preventing her from working. In such instances, you need a good attorney by your side to get you the results that you need.

What To Do

Our Los Angeles Workplace Injury Attorneys at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry are familiar with stories like Andrea. Having a team like ours on your side increases your chances of getting benefits like medical care, temporary or permanent disability benefits, or supplemental job displacement benefits. Call 818-812-5639 or click here to schedule a free consultation with our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry in Los Angeles today. Don’t wait for your job to start taking you seriously. We can help get your voice heard at a time when you need it heard the most.

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