What happens when a group of workers has decided that they have had enough, that they want more pay, better benefits, and other workplace protections?
Usually, their voices are heard. However, ridesharing drivers ensured that their actions were felt recently as well as they stopped driving for 24-hours recently. Today, we want to talk about one of their reasons for striking.
At Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, we are here when you need a Los Angeles workplace injury attorney. Our knowledgeable and experienced team will work to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.
What Is Going On Here?
If you have watched the news lately, you know that major ridesharing companies have been expanding. You also probably know that their drivers have been made, going as far as not driving for 24-hours to demand fair treatment.
Here is the thing – rideshare drivers, like those for Lyft and Uber, are not employees. They are independent contractors. This means that employers do not have to provide any kind of benefits, including workers’ compensation.
But, are they not covered by insurance?
Vehicle insurance kicks in only in the event of an actual vehicle crash, and even then, it may not cover the driver’s injuries. For any injury that a rideshare driver sustains while on-duty and not in an accident, they have no coverage.
It Is Not Just Rideshare Drivers
In California, the debate is raging over who can be classified as an independent contractor and who must be classified as an employee. Employers often classify workers as independent contractors to avoid paying fair wages, benefits, vacation time, workers’ compensation, payroll taxes, and more.
Consider that there were around 2.8 million workplace injuries in the latest reporting year across the United States. Most of those workers DO receive their rightful compensation in the aftermath of an injury. Many, however, do not due to misclassification.
Workplace injuries can lead to major expenses for a worker, including:
- The medical expenses
- Any necessary medical devices
- Rehabilitation costs
- Medications
- Lost income if they cannot work
- Emotional and psychological damages
Workers’ compensation is supposed to cover these things, but if a claim is denied or a worker cannot make a claim in the first place, where are they supposed to turn?
What Happens Now?
Getting hurt at work should never result in a person being put into financial jeopardy. While we await the outcome of the rideshare strikers, we know that there are many issues when it comes to workers’ compensation in California. At Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, we want to help if you are hurt.
Our knowledgeable and experienced team will work to investigate what happened to you so we can secure compensation for the following:
- Your medical expenses related to the incident
- Lost wages and benefits if you cannot work
- Pain and suffering damages
- Loss of enjoyment of life damages
If you need a Los Angeles workplace injury attorney, you can reach out to us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 800-747-3447.