

5 Major Myths About Mental Health At Work

BY: Koszdin | Friday, May 10, 2019.

Is your job demanding? Do you feel as if the responsibilities are piling up with little or no time to complete the tasks? Are you feeling overwhelmed and unable to meet the demands you used to meet? Do you hate coming into work because you are worried that you won’t accomplish all the goals you have? It is not uncommon to feel insecure at your job. It is not uncommon to experience stress while at work. It is completely human for you to feel at times overwhelmed, stressed, and worried. It is uncommon, however, when those feelings latch onto your psyche and prevent you from doing your job. It is uncommon to sit in those negative feelings for long periods of time.

Our Van Nuys Work Stress Mental Health Claim Attorneys at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry are experienced in working with clients with various mental health claims. We have represented people for over 40 years and we look forward to keeping up the tradition of representing workers. California pays attention to employees who are suffering from mental health issues. With rising awareness of mental health issues like anxiety and depression, California implores employers to consider the importance of mental health in the workplace. Here are some common myths associated with mental health claims:

  1. Mental Health Isn’t Real: So many people are of the mindset that if you just power through the day you will start to feel better. Real mental illness cannot be resolved by smiling. It cannot be resolved with positive quotes.
  2. If You Can’t See It, It’s Not Real: This is so far from the truth. Just because anxiety and depression do not manifest in physical forms like the flu or stomach virus does not mean its not real. People fight with mental illness on the daily. For some, it is a battle just to get out of bed. For others, it is paralyzing to attempt to do work.
  3. People With Mental Illness Are Weak: This is far from the truth. If anything, they have been strong for so long that their mental health is running low. People work in different ways. If your job keeps pressuring you to do better and better then your burn out may result in mental illnesses.
  4. Don’t Talk To Management: If you are suffering from mental health issues the first person you should speak to is your management. Alerting people of your issues should not be a deal breaker for your employment if done in a professional way.
  5. Your Employer Won’t Help You: Far from the truth. By submitting a mental health claim through your worker’s compensation you can get the help you need and the financial support to help you through it.

If you are starting to have doubts about choosing to file a mental health claim or if you sense that your employment is unwilling to understand your situation, call 818-812-5639 or click here to schedule a free consultation with our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry in Van Nuys today.


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