

RMI? What Is That?

BY: Koszdin | Friday, February 22, 2019.

When we start a job we hope that it will be our last job that will carry us into our retirement. Even though you may change companies or facilities, your job remains the same. Maybe you are a sonographer or dental hygienist. It doesn’t matter where you go, the responsibilities are the same as well as the movements, If you have ever worked in retail then you know the skills are the same, but the clothes change. Servers or manufacture workers can attest to the same issues. The content, objects, or context may change, but the skills are still the same. At the end of the day you are moving your arms, legs, and back in the same motion, you have always moved them at your job.

So what is wrong with that? If your job requires a certain movement why should you bother filling out a worker’s compensation claim? Isn’t it your responsibility to upkeep yourself? Isn’t it your responsibility to take preventative measures so that you won’t get hurt? The answers to all those questions are yes and no. Yes, you should take care of yourself. You should do what you can to prevent pain from occurring or form an injury happening. Yes, you should engage in behaviors that help you continue these motions at work; however, your job knows that you are going to get hurt. Your job knows that there is a strong likelihood that you will feel pain and they have invested in worker’s compensation insurance for you when you need it.

Repetitive Motion Injuries (RMI)

First, get it out of your head. You are not less of a worker if you get injured on the job. You are not less of a person if you need help while you work through your injury. Repetitive Motion Injuries happen because your job makes them happen. If you are in a job that makes you do the same moves over and over again then you will eventually start to feel the issues from such a job. For example, if you are a warehouse worker you are constantly using your knees and back to life. Eventually, you will start to feel the pains of lifting. Instead, of trying to work through it, you should stop and tell your employer. Once you tell an employer they can start a Worker’s Compensation claim to get you back to health. A healthy worker is a productive worker and is way better than a worker who is in pain.

What To Do

RMI’s can result in injuries that can lead to permanent injury. Don’t wait until it is too late to get better. Our Repetitive Motion Injury Attorneys at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry in Lancaster are here to make this procedure as easy as possible for you. It is better to work with an attorney because we can see the fire before it starts. We will work with you step by step 100% of the way to make sure that you are getting the compensation you deserve. Call 818-812-5639 or click here to schedule a free consultation with our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry in Lancaster today.

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