

Mental Health Care At Work

BY: Koszdin | Friday, February 1, 2019.

California is known for its progressive employment regulations. Thankfully they have set a precedent for people who are struggling with psychiatric injuries. Mental health is something that should be taken seriously. The more jobs that require sitting down and staring at a screen need to consider the repercussions of such long-standing repetitive activities. The jobs that require the most monotonous work should be actively seeking ways to help protect their employees from struggling with mental health. If you or a loved one is dealing with mental health issues in the workplace then you can file a worker’s compensation claim. Even though this kind of “injury” is harder to understand and requires a more in-depth review does not mean that it isn’t worth trying or using. It is your right to file worker’s compensation claims and our Worker’s Compensation Attorneys at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry in Van Nuys are here to help you through this process.

Understanding Guidelines For Mental Health Claims

The American Disability Act (ADA) protects people who are suffering from major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as other behavior changing conditions. This means that the workplace must accommodate people who are suffering from such issues. Unfortunately, because there is a stigma against mental health or getting help for mental health, not all workplaces are giving their employees the accommodations that are needed. In fact, the EEOC has seen an increase in discrimination lawsuits for those who are dealing with psychiatric issues.

If you have ever dealt with someone who has depression or anxiety, sometimes their symptoms are not shown physically. Sometimes people don’t know how much someone is going through because there are no physical symptoms like a runny nose or a cough. Instead, a situation can build up over time and cause the employee to start to act differently. California has provided guidelines for how to reduce stress at work such as making sure there is open communication, setting achievable goals, allow input from the group, reward good job performance, confront troubled employees with empathy, maintain confidentiality, and make sure to comply when an employee makes a complaint against any discriminatory action at work, to name a few.

What To Do If You Have A Problem

If your job is not taking you seriously then you need someone who will be a strong advocate for you. Unfortunately, because mental health does not show physical signs, is hard to tell when it started, and sometimes unclear what is fueling it, worker’s compensation claims are not always accepted. They require more paperwork and testing on your behalf.

Don’t feel bullied for dealing with your own personal mental state. Our workers’ compensation attorney is at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry in Van Nuys. We understand your situation and will make sure that you get the justice and compensation you deserve for being brave and taking action to help yourself. Call 818-812-5639 or click here to learn more about how our professional staff can assist you through this process.

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