

Medical Benefits in Workers’ Compensation Claim: What’s In the Package?

BY: Koszdin | Thursday, January 11, 2018.

If you’re wondering what kind of medical benefits are included in a workers’ compensation claim, you’ve come to the right place.

Medical benefits vary from one workers’ comp claim to another, as healthcare benefits for work-related injuries depend on the circumstances and severity of your injury, the amount of employers’ liability as well as short or long-term consequences for your health.

There are three categories of medical benefits in workers’ compensation claims:

After your Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorney helps evaluate your injuries and damages, prove that your injuries were suffered in the workplace, and file a workers’ comp claim on your behalf, your only responsibility will be to follow the doctor’s orders for a specified amount of time.

Generally, payments are made until the employee has fully recovered or has obtained maximum relief. In most cases, payments for your treatment, recovery, and rehabilitation will be made through your workers’ compensation carrier, who, in turn, will be forwarding the funds directly to your healthcare provider.

What medical benefits are covered under workers’ comp?

Under a workers’ compensation claim, you’re entitled to obtain the following

  • medical benefits
  • Medical bills
  • Surgical fees
  • Nursing care fees
  • Medications
  • Rehabilitation benefits (medical, vocational, and psychological rehabilitation)
  • Lost wages and lost capability
  • Costs for retraining
  • Travel expenses (trips to and from hospitals and medical centers)

Please note that pain and suffering are not covered under workers’ compensation. Additionally, if you agree to receive workers’ comp for workplace-related injuries or disability, you won’t be able to sue your employer for your injuries and damages.

That’s why it’s highly advised to consult a workers compensation attorney to find out what’s the best legal options in your particular case to maximize your compensation.

Note: in most cases, wage replacement is two-thirds of the employee’s average wage, and most insurers provide a maximum allowed amount of weekly or monthly payments that cannot be exceeded.

Rehabilitation services benefits in workers’ compensation claims

Under workers’ compensation laws in Van Nuys and elsewhere in LA and California, you may qualify for rehabilitation services benefits after suffering a “catastrophic injury.” Our workers’ compensation lawyers at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry explain that catastrophic injuries require some degree of disability and permanence.

Rehabilitation services benefits cover the following:

  • Medical expenses associated with occupational rehabilitation required for the employee to return to work with maximum capacity the injury will allow
  • Costs for any required modifications to the injured employee’s home to improve the quality of his/her life
  • Medical expenses for any modifications to the employee’s vehicle
  • and Costs for modifications of the employee’s workspace in order to help him/her get back to work without negatively affecting job performance.

Vocational rehabilitation to find new job

However, not all employers are able to provide injured or disabled employees with accommodations to help them overcome limitations and barriers associated with returning to work, performing the same duties as prior to the injury, and earning the same amount of income.

Whether you’ve suffered physical, psychological, developmental, cognitive, or emotional impairments or are disabled and unable to perform your duties, the employer may cover vocational rehabilitation expenses to find a new job for you:

  • Expenses to customizes an education/training program
  • Costs of acquiring new skills or improving existing skills
  • Any expenses associated with job search and interview process
  • and the cost of job placement services.

Temporary or permanent disability benefits

Under workers’ compensation, employees who have suffered a complete or partial loss of income and are temporarily or permanently disabled as a result of a workplace-related injury or illness, your employer will be responsible to pay out loss of wages and loss of capability benefits.

If you have been injured in the workplace and your injury requires medical treatment, don’t pay for your hospitalization, treatment, recovery, and rehabilitation out of your own pocket.

Find out your most optimal legal strategy to make your employer and their insurance company pay for your injuries, damages, and disability by consulting our best workers’ compensation attorneys today.

Call Van Nuys offices of Koszdin, Fields & Sherry at 818-812-5639 or  800-747-3447 or complete this contact form for a free case evaluation.

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