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Work Related Injuries – Social Security Disability

Workplace accidents often result in severe injuries for employees. In most situations, a worker is able to make a complete recovery and return to the job. However, there are times when workers are temporarily or permanently disabled due to their work-related injuries. When this happens, it may be necessary for the injured worker to apply for Social Security Disability benefits. At Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, we understand that the Social Security Disability benefits process can be complicated after a work injury, and we want to help. Our Van Nuys SSDI lawyers regularly help clients in and around the Los Angeles area get through these tough situations.

Types of workplace injuries and illnesses that keep people from working

There are various types of workplace injuries or illnesses that can keep a California worker from performing their job duties. Social Security Disability Insurance (often referred to as SSD or SSDI) is meant to provide monthly benefits to a person based on how much they paid into the Social Security system through their payroll taxes. In order to be eligible for benefits, a person needs to show that they have been disabled for 12 months or that they expect to be disabled for that period of time.

There are various types of injuries and illnesses that the attorneys at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry help clients secure Social Security Disability benefits for. This includes, but is not limited to, the following conditions:

  • Herniated discs
  • Various neck and back injuries
  • Various orthopedic injuries such as dislocated or broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Heart diseases
  • Lung diseases
  • Various types of cancer
  • Liver failure
  • Kidney disease
  • Complications from diabetes
  • Arthritis or other inflammatory diseases
  • Depression or manic-depressive disorder
  • Panic attacks or anxiety disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

    What to expect when you file a Social Security Disability benefits claim in California

    It’s possible the process will run smoothly and easily when you file your claim for Social Security Disability benefits. However, if you file a claim on your own, you should understand there’s a possibility the government will initially deny it.

    This is very common. Often, when injured victims first file claims, the government responds by indicating they haven’t provided sufficient evidence or documentation proving they’re disabled. This can be a frustrating experience, forcing you to wait longer than you may wish to collect the benefits you might genuinely deserve.

    No ethical attorney can promise a specific outcome when you file a claim. However, because a lawyer will probably have a more thorough understanding of what the government looks for when it evaluates claims like yours, the odds that your claim will be denied when you first file it may be lower if you enlist the help of a Social Security Disability attorney.

    Hiring a lawyer to handle your Social Security Disability benefits claim can also give you more time and freedom to focus on your recovery. An expert at our Van Nuys work related injuries firm will handle the entire process to ensure you don’t have to add to your burdens during this challenging time.

    Be aware that you also have the option of hiring an attorney even if your claim has been denied.  When the government denies a claim, you don’t need to simply accept their decision. You can instead appeal the ruling.

    Strongly consider hiring a lawyer when doing so. If your goal is to demonstrate why the government’s first decision was wrong, you’ll benefit substantially from having legal representation.

    How to prepare for your initial consultation with an SSDI attorney in California

    Your initial consultation with an SSDI attorney gives a legal professional the opportunity to review your case and determine what your legal options may be in these circumstances. This case evaluation is free of charge, confidential, and involves no commitment. You’re not obligated to hire an attorney after reviewing your case with them if you decide you would like to pursue other options.

    Your consultation is more likely to be a productive experience for yourself and your lawyer if you take certain steps to prepare for it. These include:

    • Gathering your Social Security documents
    • Draft a narrative in which you explain why you believe you require the services of an SSDI lawyer
    • Continue to receive medical treatment for your injuries, and ask for copies of your medical bills and other documentation related to your medical care

    You might also want to make a list of questions to ask during your case evaluation. Our team would be happy to answer them, helping you better understand how your case may play out.

Working with an attorney and medical professionals in your work injury case

You need to work with an attorney as soon as you know you may be disabled due to a work-related injury or illness. These cases can become incredibly complicated, and the lines between a workers’ compensation claim and a Social Security Disability benefits claim are often blurred.

Not only will you need to prove that you actually have sustained a disabling injury or illness, but you will also need to show that the injury is work-related. By working with a medical professional to obtain a sound of diagnosis and an attorney who can gather evidence to prove the injury or illness is related to the workplace, you can stay one step ahead of aggressive insurance carriers and employers who may seek to deny your claim.

Contact us for a free consultation of your case today

If you or somebody you love has been injured at work and is now disabled, you may need to begin the process of receiving Social Security Disability benefits. At Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, our qualified and experienced attorneys are ready to help you secure the benefits you need. We are not afraid to stand up to the Social Security Administration in order to help you secure the benefits to you are entitled to. When you need a Social Security Disability attorney in the Los Angeles area, you can reach out to us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 800-747-3447.

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