

Working From Home Due To Coronavirus? Watch Out For Repetitive Stress Injuries

BY: Koszdin | Wednesday, April 15, 2020.

With most of the country, including all of California, under stay at home orders to help stop the spread of COVID-19, many people are having to adjust to working from home. While this may cut down on the daily commute to and from work, it also means there is a potential for the development of repetitive stress injuries. At Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, our knowledgeable and experienced Los Angeles repetitive motion injury attorneys want to discuss what these injuries are what the implications are if you do get hurt.

Carpal Tunnel, The Most Common RSI

Most people have a vague understanding of what carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is, but they may not understand whether or not they are at risk of developing this condition. On the underside of each wrist, there is actually an area called the “carpal tunnel” which contains our median nerve and other tendons that allow our wrists and hands to properly function. Compression of this area can lead to significant mobility problems and cause significant pain. Carpal tunnel syndrome can keep people from enjoying their daily activities and from properly performing their jobs.

CTS is considered a repetitive stress injury, and it is not often immediately apparent. The signs and symptoms of CTS may take years to develop. Most employers and workers’ compensation insurers recognize that carpal tunnel syndrome is a legitimate work injury and have taken steps to prevent CTS from occurring in the workplace. This includes improvement in ergonomics of equipment that employees use.

However, the coronavirus pandemic has forced many people to work from home. Employers have likely not taken into account that most people’s home work areas are not properly designed to prevent repetitive stress injuries from occurring. Working from home has not necessarily reduced the amount of work many people have to produce each day. In fact, many workers are spending much more time typing on their computers than ever before, which can most certainly cause carpal tunnel syndrome to develop.

If a worker is performing sanctioned workplace activities at home, whether due to COVID-19 or as part of their regular duties, they should be entitled to workers’ compensation insurance for any injuries they incur. Employers need to seriously consider the implications of repetitive stress injuries on employees who are now working from home.

Let Our Team Help You Through This

If you or somebody you care about has sustained an injury in the workplace, you need to seek legal assistance immediately. At Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, we recognize that the coronavirus pandemic is changing the landscape of how we work and what could be considered a workplace injury. We will investigate your case and work to secure any compensation you may be entitled to. This can include:

  • Compensation for any medical bills related to the injury
  • Any lost income and benefits
  • Coverage of any lost future earnings
  • Compensation for loss of earning potential

When you need a Los Angeles repetitive motion injury attorney, you can reach out to us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 800-747-3447.

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