

Amazon Workers Face Dangers During The Holidays

BY: Koszdin | Monday, December 16, 2019.

For many workers across America, the holidays are good times of the year. This is often when workers get plenty of hours and some even get some holiday bonuses. However, the holiday period is often when some workers are pushed to work harder and faster to fulfill orders. This is especially true for Amazon employees. Today, the Los Angeles work injury attorneys at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry want to discuss some of the dangers California workers face this time of year.

Amazon has a track record of poor worker treatment

Amazon is a major driver of the US economy. It seemed like a long time ago now that they were just an online bookseller. Now, Amazon handles just about everything, including retail sales, groceries and prescription drugs.

However, Amazon fulfillment centers have long been the target of labor regulators. Amazon is known for placing incredibly stringent requirements for their workers. With so many orders to fulfill, they push employees to work harder and faster. That is especially apparent during the holiday season when millions of Americans are placing orders through Amazon and expect them to show up at their doorstep the next day.

A CBS report says that workers in Amazon facilities are two times as likely to be injured on the job as others and similar warehousing industry jobs. The report also says that many of these injuries are more prevalent during the holiday shopping season. According to a study conducted by the National Employment Law Center and United for Respect:

  • For every 100 workers at Amazon facilities, approximately 11 were injured on the job last year.
  • Amazon workers are more likely to be injured on the job than lumberjacks or coal miners.

In 2018, Amazon’s injury rates began to climb after Black Friday. The injury cases at the company spiked about two weeks before December 25th. The injuries cited in the study were serious enough that nearly 90% of those involved had to miss work or be put on restrictive duty.

For their part, Amazon dismissed the report. They claimed the study was “developed and promoted by a collection of self-interested critics.” The company says that they provided more than one million hours of safety training to employees in 2018 and that they increase safety training during the holiday season.

Let us help you with your work injury

If you or somebody you care about has been injured at work but are struggling to secure compensation for medical bills or lost income, seek assistance from an attorney immediately. At Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, our dedicated and experienced team is ready to help. We will investigate all aspects of your injury so we can secure compensation for all medical bills and any losses income you have incurred. Our Los Angeles work injury attorneys believe in sticking up for injured workers, regardless of who the employer is. You can reach out to us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 800-747-3447.

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