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First Responders Can Suffer From Psychological Injuries

BY: Koszdin | Saturday, March 16, 2019.

Dr. Chuck Russo and Dr. Stephanie Myers-Hunziker are good at what they do. That is why we listen when they tell us those first responders are at risk for injuries beyond the typical traumas we may think about. Yes, first responders are more likely than those in other professions to break bones, tear ligaments, and get assaulted, but we still do not fully grasp how these women and men are affected psychologically.

Dr. Russo and Dr. Myers-Hunziker say that first responders “are likely to suffer from psychological injuries that are just as capable of causing a career-ending damage.”

At Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, we recognize that mental health illnesses are real injuries in the workplace and should be treated as such. If you are having trouble with your employer or insurer and need a Van Nuys mental health claims attorney, you can count on us to be by your side, fighting for your rights.

What Are The Risks?

If you have never worked in the public safety field, the stress of the job can be hard to describe. Every day, first responders go to work knowing that they could be seriously injured or even killed. Along with traumatic injuries, the authors of the article cited say those first responders are likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The National Institute of Mental Health says that a person who experiences just one traumatic event can suffer from PTSD. Symptoms can include:

  • Flashbacks
  • Avoidance symptoms
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Being easily startled
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Self-blame

Unfortunately, first responders who seek treatment for psychological injuries due to work incidents face some challenges. Mental health claims can be much harder to prove and insurers are more likely to deny them. Remember, insurance companies will do everything they can to reduce payments, even if that means denying claims.

Other Jobs

First responders are not the only ones who face mental health illnesses due to job-related conditions. Remember, just one traumatic incident can cause a person to develop PTSD. Often, this happens when someone witnesses a trauma. There are many industries in which traumas occur on a regular basis:

  • Fishing
  • Logging
  • Construction
  • Trucking
  • And more

Workers who experience or witness traumatic events may or may not experience an actual physical injury. However, the psychological damage can be lasting and permanent.

Moving Forward From Here

We know that dealing with a mental health illness takes time and that you need to focus on that. That is why, at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, we will work to ensure that you get the coverage you need from your workers’ compensation provider.

We know that work-related mental health illnesses are real, but we also recognize that employers and insurance companies may fight a claim. That is why we will fight back and be the advocate you need. When you need a Van Nuys mental health claims attorney, you can reach out to us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling one of these numbers: 818-812-5639 or 800-747-3447.

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