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5 Common Repetitive Motion Injuries

BY: Koszdin | Saturday, March 2, 2019.

Every morning, if you have a traditional job, Monday through Friday, you are getting up around the same time and start your routine. Your actions become routine because you repeat them every morning. Think about it. Every morning you find a cup of coffee by either making it yourself or buying one from the local café and you bend your arm to drink it. You bend your arm around the same time every day to drink the coffee that is a part of your routine. Bending your elbow that one time every day isn’t really going to hurt you as our bodies are made to withstand some repetitive behaviors. However, what if you need to not only bend your elbow but also hold your arm in an angular position for a really long time? What if you have to bend your knees so many times a day or if you have to lift heavy things so many times a day? No matter how good you take of yourself or how many supplements you take, your body is bound to find ways to ache, strain, inflame, or just plain give out.

When your job requires you to behave with certain repeat movements, it can turn into an injury. Repetitive motion injuries are very common in jobs like factory workers, health care professionals, construction workers, and office workers. There is such a range of examples of this injury, but the one thing they all have in common is that they are caused by repetitive behavior which is required by the job and you have to seek medical attention or it will get worse.

Here are some examples of 5 common types of Repetitive Motion Injuries:


2.Tenosynovitis: inflammation of tendons sheath

3.Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

4.Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

5.Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

These kinds of injuries are caused or exacerbated by forcing the repetitive behavior or exerting the area that is already hurt. If the injury is not resolved then it can lead to greater issues like a decrease in mental health, low job satisfaction, and potentially short or long term disability. If you love yourself and want to keep working then you need to take the time to heal and recover. In order to do that you must start a worker’s compensation claim. Unfortunately, these claims are not as easy as one thinks and they can be tedious with little regard for your actual needs.

Our Repetitive Motion Injuries Attorney at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry in Lancaster have seen and heard it all. With more than 50 years of experience, we have the skillset and wisdom to know how to handle your specific situation. Because, just when you think you heard it all, you hear something new and we are ready to hear your new story. We are ready to get you the care and compensation you deserve for your situation. Call 818-812-5639 or click here to schedule a free consultation with our Repetitive Motion Injuries Attorneys at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry in Lancaster today.

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