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First Responders Have High Suicide Rates

BY: Koszdin | Friday, November 16, 2018.

We were reading a story from Illinois the other day and what it said concerning worker mental health, particularly the mental health of first responders, is striking.

The story revolves around police officers who want to seek mental health treatment and how to remove the stigma in doing so. It also says that “Nationally, first responders are more likely to die by suicide than be killed in the line of duty.” That comes from a group that conducts research on disability and mental health. In the last year, 243 firefighters and police officers have committed suicide.

We brought you this story because it is a good place to start when discussing workplace mental health. At Koszdin, Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, we know that it is not only the first responders who see their mental health damaged by their work environments.

Do you know where to turn if your workplace has harmed your mental health and workers’ compensation has denied your claim?

When you need a Van Nuys mental health claims attorney, you can turn to our team to work on your case. We will not stop until you are treated fairly and receive the compensation you deserve.

The Problems

Most of us know that work is one of the leading causes of stress. What we do not often think about is how detrimental work-related mental health issues can become. As we saw in the story above, first responders suffer from untreated mental health issues, but we know that ay high-pressure job has the ability to cause us problems.

Think about other high-stress jobs:

  • Social work
  • Teachers
  • Truck drivers
  • Management positions
  • Medical professionals

People in high-stress jobs often have the same complaints:

  • Being overworked
  • Poor management
  • Working in unsafe conditions
  • No opportunity for advancement
  • Being unhappy with their work
  • Seeing traumatic events
  • And more

Also, consider those who face discrimination or abuse in the work environment on top of other stressors. People who face discrimination (racial, gender, religious, sexual orientation, etc.) or abuse (sexual or physical) are often not able to leave their jobs so they simply put up with it.

Many people do not realize that mental health illnesses have both psychological and physical symptoms that can be debilitating. These symptoms can prevent a person from performing their work at a high level. Workers should be able to come forward and seek treatment and not have to worry about losing their jobs and their income.

What You Can Do

If you have sought help for your mental health issues and been denied workers’ compensation coverage, or worse, fired from your job, seek legal assistance immediately. At Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, we will work with you to get the compensation you deserve. We know that the workplace can cause major mental health illnesses. When you need a Van Nuys mental health claims attorney, you can reach out to us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling one of these numbers: 818-812-5639 or 800-747-3447.

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