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Alhambra Foundry Fined $283,390 in Workplace Injuries Case

BY: Koszdin | Friday, March 9, 2018.

Workplace injuries can range from a minor cut or bruise to a devastating, life-changing illness or condition. The injury at the root of a recent case brought against Alhambra Foundry most certainly falls into the latter category, given that the damage inflicted on one employee was severe enough to warrant $283,390 in workplace injury compensation. The incident, which took place in August 2017, meant that Cal/OSHA recently confirmed that the Alhambra Foundry has been cited, and fined as mentioned.

Why Alhambra Foundry Was Found to Be at Fault

We all know that accidents happen and, even in the most devastating, there may not always be somebody to blame. However, as it turns out, Alhambra Foundry was most definitely at fault in this particular incident, despite having previously been cited by Cal/OSHA for similar violations some eight years ago. The worker in this case was injured after being pulled into an auger which had been powered on following cleaning and maintenance, when he returned to retrieve a work light.

According to Cal/OSHA, the citation was made on the grounds of:

  • The foundry not having a permit-required confined space program
  • The screw conveyor not being correctly de-energized and locked out before workers entered
  • Warning signs were not put in place as they should have been
  • The worker who re-entered the hopper to retrieve the work light should have been monitored by a confined space attendant
  • The foundry did not have appropriate procedures in place for de-energizing and locking out the auger

Following their investigation, and taking into consideration the findings listed above, Alhambra Foundry received eight citations from Cal/OSHA:

  • Willful serious accident-related
  • Willful serious
  • Four serious
  • Willful general
  • General in nature

Have You Sustained a Workplace Injury?

As an employee working in a California-based role, you are entitled to compensation if you are injured, or develop an illness, due to working conditions, or a workplace incident. The circumstances of the incident, your medical history, and your current health may have no bearing on your eligibility.

Van Nuys workplace injuries attorney from Koszdin, Fields & Sherry will have extensive experience of aggressively and comprehensively pursuing compensation for all manner of workplace injuries and illnesses. These tend to include, but are not limited to:

  • Workplace accidents and physical injuries
  • Repetitive motion injuries
  • Cardiac and pulmonary conditions
  • Occupational disease
  • Stress-related illnesses
  • Compensable circumstances, such as side effects of workplace injuries, botched surgeries, painkiller addictions and more

A Van Nuys Workplace Injuries Attorney Can Recover the Compensation You Deserve

Being out of work for a period may put significant pressure on your family’s finances and, as a result, their general wellbeing. Even if no blame can be assigned, you could be eligible to claim compensation for your injuries or illness. A Van Nuys workplace injuries attorney can prove that your condition is work-related and, therefore, qualifies you for compensation.

To get a determined Van Nuys workplace injuries attorney on your side, call us today on 818-812-5639 to schedule your initial consultation.

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