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Santa Clarita Workplace Injury Attorney

When you have been injured or become ill due to your job, you must consult with an experienced workplace injury attorney in Santa Clarita as soon as possible to ensure that your rights are protected.

Your employer should offer workers’ compensation benefits, but the insurance company behind the policy may place their focus on minimizing their own losses, rather than making sure that you receive the compensation you are entitled to and deserve.

These insurers are certain to have expert legal teams at their disposal, equipped with extensive knowledge of the relevant area of California law, and the ways in which they may dispute your claim. Through hiring a Santa Clarita workplace injury attorney from Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, you can benefit from the same outstanding legal representation, albeit from a lawyer committed to obtaining a successful outcome on your behalf.

Your Lawyer Explains: What Are Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

Workers’ compensation benefits are intended to cover the expenses of all medical treatment required for you to achieve the maximum medical improvement from your workplace injury. This is defined as the point from which you are not likely to improve any further, even with extensive rehabilitation and other treatment.

You will also be entitled to compensation in lieu of your lost earnings while you recover, generally capped at two-thirds of your average weekly wage. In the event that you have been left permanently disabled by a workplace injury, your employer’s workers’ compensation scheme could cover a permanent disability payment, based on the percentage of disability as quoted by your doctor.

Should you fall victim to a fatal workplace injury, your surviving family members could be entitled to benefits as follows:

  • Up to $10,000 funeral or burial expenses
  • Up to $250,000 for a single dependant
  • Up to $290,000 for two dependants
  • Up to $320,000 for three dependants

Although there is no legal requirement for you to hire an attorney, it is strongly recommended that you do so. Despite your employer is obliged to offer benefits following a workplace injury, it is highly likely that you will receive less than you are entitled to. Similarly, if you have already had a workers’ compensation claim rejected by your employer or their insurers, hiring a workplace injury attorney in Santa Clarita could secure you the benefits you are entitled to.

Qualifying for Worker’s Comp After a Santa Clarita Workplace Injury

In order to start collecting worker’s compensation benefits after a workplace injury in Santa Clarita, you need to make sure that you qualify. The vast majority of employers across California are required to provide their employees with work comp coverage. You do not have to work full-time or be employed for a minimum amount of time before you qualify. In fact, you should be eligible as soon as you are brought on as an employee.

Your accident should also be related to your work in some way. For example, if you do deliveries for a popular Italian restaurant and were involved in an accident, you could be entitled to worker’s comp benefits. But if you were injured in an accident on your way to work, you would not be eligible for worker’s comp.

To find out whether you are eligible for worker’s comp after a Santa Clarita workplace injury, contact an experienced attorney.

What Are the Deadlines for Filing a Santa Clarita Workplace Injury Work Comp Claim?

If you have made the decision to seek worker’s compensation benefits, you need to get in touch with an attorney as soon as possible. You only have a maximum of one year from the date of your work injury to get your worker’s comp claim filed with the insurance company. If you do not file your claim before the statute of limitations expires, you will have lost your opportunity to be awarded work comp benefits through your employer’s work comp insurance provider.

You might have grounds for a civil claim if someone else is at fault for causing your Santa Clarita workplace injury. But the statute of limitations for personal injury claims in California is two years. So you will need to take action and get started on your claim fast so you do not miss out on being awarded full compensation and benefits for your workplace injury in Santa Clarita.

The Truth About Workplace Injuries in Santa Clarita, California

According to statistics released by the State of California Department of Industrial Relations, a 2016 survey into occupational injuries and illness in the state said:

  • There were 466,600 reportable non-fatal workplace injuries
  • A clear majority of workplace injury occurs within the service industry, with fewest happening within the computer, engineering, and science roles
  • The most common cause of workplace injury is overexertion, followed by contact with an object or equipment, and a slip or trip and fall
  • The most common type of workplace injury is sprains, strains, and tears, followed by soreness and pain

These are just a few fast stats regarding workplace injuries in California that could be relevant to your injuries. If you are interested in learning more about how you can go about accessing the Santa Clarita worker’s comp benefits you deserve, contact our office to discuss the specific details of your case, and to find out whether you qualify.

Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation with a Santa Clarita Workplace Injury Attorney Today

Work injuries can have a dramatic impact on your life in more ways than one. In addition to the devastating physical injuries you sustained, you likely have tremendous financial and emotional damages you are dealing with as well.

Get the benefits you are entitled to when you call a dedicated Santa Clarita workplace injury attorney at Koszdin, Fields & Sherry. Schedule your no-cost, risk-free consultation when you call our office at 800-747-3447 or fill out our online contact form.

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