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Palmdale Stress Related Claim Attorney

When you think of workplace injuries and workers’ compensation benefits, you may think it is restricted to physical injuries such as strains, sprains, fractures and head injuries. In fact, workplace injuries also include those illnesses and conditions caused by stress and related mental health issues. Unfortunately, all too many employers and insurance providers tend to dismiss stress related illness and injury as being somewhat frivolous, and unworthy of granting workers’ compensation benefits to. If you have found yourself in this difficult situation, a Palmdale stress related claim attorney from Koszdin, Fields & Sherry has the expertise and dedicated required to recover the full extent of benefits you are entitled to.

Our team of experienced attorneys understand that a stress related condition can be as legitimately disabling and limiting as a physical workplace injury, and pledge to work tirelessly on your behalf. We have been successfully representing workplace injury victims since 1955, and are ready to provide the assistance you need, when you need it.

When workplace stress has been taking its toll on your health and wellbeing, call 800-747-3447.

Have I Got a Compensable Stress Related Claim?

Valid claims for stress related or psychological workplace injuries tend to fall into one of the following two categories:

  1. Mental stress caused by sexual harassment, discrimination, or a hostile work environment
  2. Mental disorders arising from a workplace injury, also known as a compensable claim

Just as with physical injuries, stress related and other mental health claims come in various guises, with some of the most common including:

  • Anxiety and/or panic attacks brought on by a hostile working environment
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following on from a catastrophic workplace injury, violence in the workplace, or other traumatic incident
  • Sleep disorders arising from workplace stress
  • Clinical depression from work-related stress, or a physical workplace injury
  • Heart attack or hypertension arising from workplace stress

Regardless of what type of stress related condition or illness you have developed, you can be confident in the abilities of our Palmdale stress related claim attorneys to recover the full benefits you are entitled to.

What Benefits Could I Be Entitled to Claim?

When you have sustained a serious injury in the workplace, or while carrying out a work-related task or travel, your employer’s workers’ compensation scheme could entitle you to several benefits. This applies equally to both physical and mental conditions. Your Palmdale attorney will ascertain exactly what you are eligible to claim following your initial consultation but, in general terms, you could receive:

  • Medical benefits, including access to top specialists and the treatment you need
  • Disability benefits while you are unable to work
  • Permanent disability, or a settlement, when your injuries are unlikely to heal
  • Social Security disability, where applicable

If you have developed a stress related illness or injury in the workplace, and feel you could benefit from expert legal representation, you need an attorney from a dedicated workers’ compensation claim-handling firm.

To learn more about how our lawyers could ensure you are not left out of pocket, schedule your free initial consultation by calling us today on 800-747-3447.

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