

Is Your Work Causing Mental Health Problems?

BY: Koszdin | Saturday, July 7, 2018.

For most of us, our jobs are our lifelines. They are important parts of who we are. Not only do they give us an income so we can support ourselves and our families, but they give us a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Unfortunately, sometimes they can hurt us as well.

When it comes to job-related injuries, most people think of accidents such as falls, tool mishaps, or burns. What doesn’t come to mind immediately is mental health impairments.

Every job has stress, but some jobs can affect us more than we know. Sometimes, jobs can cause people to develop mental health issues that can be debilitating. What many people don’t realize is that mental health problems can be covered by workers’ compensation just like physical injuries.

If you have been denied proper medical coverage by your employer because of a mental health impairment, our workers’ compensation attorney in Los Angeles will be your voice. At Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, we will ensure you receive fair treatment.

Are Mental Health Claims Covered?

California state law recognizes that mental health issues can be detrimental to your ability to earn money.

The American Psychological Association discusses one aspect of work-induced stress. They recognize that workplace stress can easily overwhelm someone’s life, causing anxiety and panic attacks. They point out that prolonged job-related stress can also affect your physical health.

While you may not recognize what your job-related stress is doing to your body, pushing symptoms aside because you think they are just part of having a job, we want you to know that these can be serious. They may not manifest themselves in ways you are used to.

Some examples might include:

Sleep disorders, anxiety, or panic attacks from work-related stress or a hostile work environment

Clinical depression from work-related stress or a previous work injury

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from a workplace injury or accident

High blood pressure or heart problems from a buildup of psychological stress

Cardiovascular Business points to a study that says work stress greatly increases premature death in men. Yes, you read that correctly. Workplace stress can lead to premature death.

Will My Employer Push Back?

Often, employers will push back on mental health claims because they aren’t a visible, easily recognizable injury. If you pursue a mental health claim, you may hear comments like, “We’re all stressed at work,” or “Maybe you just need more rest.”

You may find yourself in a situation where your employer or the insurance company denies a mental health claim as frivolous or not job-related. Worse, you may find yourself unemployed.

We want you to know that no matter where you work, whether it is in law enforcement or an office, mental health impairments can arise and have serious consequences on your life.

What To Do

If you have experienced a work-related mental health impairment and have been denied the assistance you deserve, our workers’ compensation attorney in Los Angeles is here to help you. At Koszdin, Fields & Sherry, our partner attorneys are board-certified specialists who have successfully helped clients navigate mental health claims under California workers’ compensation.

You can reach out to us by clicking here or calling one of these numbers: 818-812-5639 or 800-747-3447.

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